St Margaret Lothbury

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Latest mail out

Dear All,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the beginning of summer. 

For those with families I’m sure the summer holidays arrive as a welcome respite!

The City is busy and we were delighted to see so many of you at last week’s services, both on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Wednesday service had one of the biggest in person attendances since the pandemic, which was great sign of encouragement.

We also had the joy of the first meeting of the new PCC last week and are so grateful for the wisdom and support of our PCC members.

Finally a reminder of our upcoming Summer Nights socials in the church garden on the following dates July 31st, August 6th, August 21st & September 25th. 

These will be a great chance for us to meet one another outside of the time constraints of our lunchtime services so do try and come to one (or more if you love pizza and Prosecco!).

See you all soon,


Welcome to St Margaret Lothbury

St Margaret’s is open throughout the day, Monday to Friday.

We hold services throughout the week, to which you are warmly invited.

Holy Communion service– Tuesday at 1.10pm.

Informal Worship- Wednesday at 1pm.

All our services are also available online on our Youtube channel. Unfortunately there will be no online Holy Communion service on 3rd September 2024.

We aim to serve those working in the Square Mile; to be on hand to pray for them, to hold services, which are sensitive to the time constraints and pressures of the City, to provide other opportunities to meet with other Christians and to offer a place for reflection and prayer throughout the week.

At the heart of our life is a commitment to worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ and making it possible for others to experience His love. We aim to offer a variety of services that will enable anyone to feel at home.

Our regular income is obviously taking something of a hit at this time, so please consider supporting us by making an online donation, either as a one-off gift or as a regular monthly one.

Click the link below to give online. Thank you so much for helping to keep St Margaret’s alive with your generosity.

Latest Services

All services are available on our Youtube channel.

St Margaret Lothbury is a Church of England parish church at the heart of the City of London.

St Margaret’s is open throughout the day Monday to Friday. Everyone is welcome to visit for prayer, quiet reflection or simply to enjoy the peace.

Prayer for the City and each other

On Monday mornings there is an opportunity to pray for the City, on zoom, between 7.45 and 8.30am.

Email for an invite. All are welcome – come when you can, go when you need to.

Holy communion

Tuesdays, 13.10pm at St Margaret Lothbury in person and online later in the day (website and YouTube)

Informal worship, teaching and prayer ministry

Wednesdays, 13.00 in person and live streamed (website and YouTube). Come and go as you wish.

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Group meets every Thursday, online, at 8am. It’s a great opportunity to get connected with other men who work in the City of London.

For more information or if you would like to join please contact the Church via email.

Organ recital

Thursdays, 1.10-2pm (every month except August) at St Margaret Lothbury.

More about our services and events

APCM & Reports

The reports from the 2024 APCM to be held on 8th May are available. Please find them here.


Find information about our commitment to safeguarding here.


Like many City Churches all our records are now held by the London Metropolitan Archives.

More about us

St Margaret Lothbury


Nearest tube: Bank Station (Exit 2)
Phone: 020 7726 4878
Twitter: @StMagsLothbury
Instagram: @StMagsLothbury


The finances of the Lothbury parish

It costs about £220,000 a year to run our church. That is about £4,200 a week to ensure that the Clergy and church staff are paid, the building which is Grade 1 listed is properly maintained and heated, the parish affairs are efficiently run and our worship services continue to the highest standards. Our church relies for its upkeep on the giving of the congregation in financial support and. We do not receive any support from the State or the Church of England.